Solar Panel Inspection

Efficiency of solar panels

Nowadays, solar energy has become a reliable and high-quality energy source. Many people are choosing to install solar power plants on their roofs. Prior to installation, careful planning is essential to achieve maximum efficiency and autonomy.

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Although warranties on parts of solar systems are long-term, failures are always possible and can significantly affect overall energy production.

To ensure high efficiency of solar power plants and reduce the payback period of the investment, periodic inspection of solar panels is essential.

Even when all components are functioning, panels may still operate below full capacity, which is not easily noticed without inspection.

Checking solar panels with drones

You need to ensure that simple causes of failure (such as dirt accumulation on panels due to dusty rain) are not significantly reducing production.

During the summer months, when energy collection is most efficient, dirty or malfunctioning panels can considerably decrease energy output.

Whether you’re planning to set up a power plant or want to ensure maximum efficiency of an existing one, we can help.

We can quickly and effectively inspect large areas of terrain, whether they are easily accessible or hard-to-reach.

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Using thermal cameras, we can identify underperforming panels and address the issue before it becomes serious.